There is a seat for you at our Passover Seder!

Sitting around a beautifully set table, upbeat atmosphere, great food and lots of fun surprises - that basically sums up the Seders at Chabad.

Join us for the first night, second night, or both and experience true freedom! Led by Rabbi Dovid and Goldie Tiechtel

First Seder:
Monday, April 22 at 7:00pm
at Chabad

Experience the freedom with gourmet foods and fine wines. Experience the message with spirited singing, questions, surprises and fun!

Second Seder:
Tuesday, April 23 at 8:45pm
at Chabad

All the same freedom, food, messages and fun as seder number one, in a more intimate, round-table setting.

RSVP is required.
Couvert: $54 • Student: No Cost - Subsidized by Chabad (but you can be a part of it, by donating during RSVP)