What is Chabad on Campus?
The Chabad Jewish Center at the University of Illinois is one of over 130 on-site Chabad on Campus centers across America. We offer the anchor and embrace of 'family' for all students regardless of background, observance or affiliation. Consider our address one you can turn to for any reason at all 24 hours a day.
Students come to Chabad for many different reasons.
- Some come on a Friday night for a bowl of homemade chicken soup, fresh baked challah and camaraderie;
- Some come simply to socialize - to relax and enjoy themselves with Jewish activities such as Challah or Hamantashen baking, shofar making, or outdoor trips; or activities with other Jewish students including kosher cooking, spa nights, concerts, Movie nights, paintball, hikes, and more;
- Some come to register and join a 'birthright' or other organized trip to Israel;
- Some come during a moment of personal crisis knowing they will always get a discreet, sympathetic ear, a warm open heart, and appropriate advice or referrals;
- Some come for one of the myriad classes offered - from beginner's Hebrew to Parsha, Mysticism and advanced Talmud - or simply to ask serious questions about Judaism;
- Some come to attend Shabbat or holiday services.
Chabad activity on campus is not limited to what goes on at the Chabad Center. Chabad is inherently extroverted, and an active and highly visible presence throughout campus, reaching out to Jewish students through tabling, holiday celebrations, at the Union and at dorms and Greek Houses.
Leadership: At our affiliated student groups, students are invited to take leadership roles on campus, helping foster the creation of the next generation of empowered Jewish leadership. ( Visit our Student Leadership page)
Tradition: At Chabad, students have the ability to discover the warmth and beauty of their heritage, and learn to apply the timeless Jewish principle of Ahavat Israel.
Community: We believe that family and community are vital keys to character building. That's why we open our home to students, helping inspire them with a respect for family values and a deep meaningful concern for the land of Israel.
Future: We believe that Jewish education and meaningful experiences are the grass-roots method to fighting indifference, apathy and assimilation that face our community today. For there to be a Jewish tomorrow, our students need to have a Jewish today!
Visit our Chabad on Campus page to learn about our campus programs and activities.