Become a Donor, enable us to make all this a reality.
Every dollar donated will be matched by generous donors. Yes! I'd like to help bring the The month of holidays and its celebrations to the students and community at U of I.

 $7200 Holiday Patron
$5000 Holiday Partner
 $3600 Holiday Meal Sponsor
$2500 Patron of the Suka at Allen Hall (IT Suka - reserved)
$1800 co-sponsorship of the Sukkot programs for over 550
$1000 co-sponsorship of Yom Kippur Break the Fast
$750 Patron of the Sukot on Campus program
$500 a table for ten at a holiday meal
$250 five student's experience
$200 a holiday event at a Greek house              
$50 a student at the holiday dinner
Other $

Total Charge $

Please contact me, I would like to be the Patron of the holidays

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