Thank you for partnering with us!
Yes! I'd like to help bring the Passover meaning to the students and community at U of I.

$7200 Passover Pillar
$5400 Passover Partner 
$3600 Seder Patron
$1800 co-sponsorship of a Seder
$1000 co-sponsorship of a day of the Kosher for Passover Meal Plan
$540 a Seder table for ten

$250 Week of Passover for a Student
$200 Four students Seder experience
$100 Two students Seder experience
$50 One student's Seder experience
$36 Partner in a Student at the Seder
Other $

Please contact me, I would like to be the Patron of other Illini Chabad Events
I would like to sponsor the Banquet Tent for the Seder ($4615.90)
Your Info
First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Payment Info
Card Number
CVV Code
Total Amount to Charge Card