A summary of the Fall 2007 semester @ University of Illinois & Champaign - Urbana
Over the month of High Holidays, more than 600 students came to celebrate and be part of Chabad’s campus family! Some of the highlights:
- Rosh Hashana services & holiday dinners
- Yom Kippur services & break the fast
- SukkahFest on the Lake
- Sukkah parties and dinners
- Simchat Torah Celebrations
Chanukah Light
Over 150 students participated in the Greek Chanukah Party for Jewish Greeks on Campus
- Over 200 people joined Chancellor & Mrs. Herman for a 6-ft. Menorah Lighting on the Quad and Chanukah Bowl at the Illini Union Rec Room!
- Chabad distributed over 200 menorahs, free of charge
- Rabbi Dovid organized menorah lighting opportunities at every dorm on campus, enabling thousands of students to celebrate in their dorms
- Chanukah party for the children at the Center for Women in Transition
- Menorahs at grocery stores, malls, and a car-top traveling menorah!
Social Events – a chance to mingle, network and have fun!
- Labor Day BBQ, with over 200 students attending
- Game Nights, Study Breaks, and on-campus Sports
- Grad Student BBQ’s and Beer Brewing Event
- Falafel on the Quad – raising money for Magen Dovid Adom
- Falafel Fest
- Birthright Israel Trips
Fellowships & information on opportunities to study and work in
- Info evening with MASA
- Israel 101 course for Pledges at AEPi
Classes & Lectures
- Weekly lunch ‘n learn on campus
- Bi-weekly Torah Studies class
Sinai Scholars – Jewish Leadership and learning society on Campus
- Guest Lecturer – Rabbi Kravitz, director of Jews for Judaism, entitled ‘Missionary Impossible’
Women’s classes & events
-Women’s Friday Night Dinner entitled True Beauty
-Candy Apple Making for the High Holidays
-Cookies & Gifts for friends on Chanukah
Social Action
9/11 Mitzvah Marathon, a unique approach to tragic events, attracting local media and hundreds of participants
- Co-sponsored with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity Autism Awareness Day
- Co-sponsored with Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity Dodge for a Cause
Dorm Events – bringing it to the students
Sukkah @ Allen Hall
- BBQ at Illini Tower
- Challah Baking at the dorms
- Info and Jewish resource table
- Holidays at the houses – bringing holiday food, gifts and spirit to the Jewish houses on campus (SDT, SEPhi, SAM, ZBT & AEPi) and Jewish Greek in all houses.
Friday Night Dinners
Ever-growing and ever-popular, Chabad’s Friday night dinners have had overflow crowds this semester, prompting us to set up tables outside the dining room in the adjoining library and lounge. Some students come for a taste of warmth and a taste of Shabbat and some words of inspiration, while others stay until the wee hours of the morning, many returning for Shabbat services, a cholent lunch and to hang out over Shabbat.
Chabad & the University of Illinois – creating Kosher options
The news that Chabad has helped the University of Illinois institute a Kosher Meal Plan on campus has been enthusiastically received by many. We are continuing to work with the university to expand the program and make kosher dining easily accessible to all. For more info, contact [email protected]
This is a small sampling of what happens at Chabad throughout the semester. All the programs listed above do not include the one-on-one conversations, private study sessions and personal interactions with students that we value above all.
If you would like to know more about what we do, and/or if you would like to receive our weekly emails highlighting the current programs and events, please email [email protected] or call our office at 217.355.TORA (8672).