Some of the past events that happened at the Chabad Jewish Center @ U of I:
(for events in C-U scroll down)
"Welcome Back" Shabbat
Sukkah @ Allen
Saturday Night Live - Simchat Torah
Pre-Chanukah Party @ AEPi/AEPhi
Chanukah Public Menorah Lighting @ LSM
Terror & Love - Chabad on Campus Midwest Shabbaton in Evanston, IL
Tu B'Shvat Shabbat - Seder
Italian Shabbat
"Good Bye" Shabbat
Shabbat @ the Union- in honor of the graduating class
Weekly Events:
Chabad on the Quad
A full photo album of all these events!!
Some of the past events that happened at the Chabad Jewish Center in Champaign - Urbana
Shofar Factory @ Sinai
Spaghettifest - Sukkot
Olive Press @ Leal School & Sinai
Shavuot Ice Cream Party & Dairy Buffet
Adult Education Series
Living Torah