jLearn Membership Form
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
10-digit Phone Number
Grad Student
What entails your prior Jewish education to date(i.e. Hebrew school, day school, random classes, nothing etc.)?
Are you Jewish? Yes, by birth Yes, by choice No
Is your mother Jewish? Yes, by birth Yes, by choice No
Is your father Jewish? Yes, by birth Yes, by choice No
To qualify you must commit to at least one of Category A, two of Category B, or one of each.
Category A
at least four of the weekly Lunch 'n Learns
at least four of the weekly Coffee & Conversations (women only)
Category B
Read Hebrew (course)
Playing with Fire (lecture)
The New Anti-Semitism (lecture)
Jewish Women's Spa Night (women only)
Wrap it Up - The Commandment of Joy?! (dinner discussion) Conversation on Israel
Simon Weisenthal Documentary
Jewish Movie Night
How did you hear about jLearn (student coordinator, friend, website, announcement...)?
A coordinator will contact you regarding your membership. Additionally you will receive details and invitations to members-only socials, retreats and events.
We look forward to a semester of great study & great events!